Experienced and Compassionate 

Our Caregivers are good at what they do. During our selection process, we look for people who enjoy similar interests so we can find the right person to support you. A Caregiver is always introduced to you before the care service begins, to ensure they are compatible and are the right fit for happy home care. 

You will also see the same Caregivers every time so you can feel more comfortable with a familiar face 

We strongly believe in the benefits of relationship-led care, so we’ll ensure that you see the same familiar faces every time. This means that not only can you build trust and establish a friendly relationship, but your Caregiver will be able to monitor changes that might affect your health or even prevent worsening health conditions.
Our Caregiver will get to know you which makes it much easier to spot anything unusual and provide the bespoke, personalised care you want. 

Contact People Matter Support Services today  

 Ready to find your Caregiver? Get in touch with us and we will help you get started.

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